The reMarkable Paper Pro receives ‘Calm Tech’ certification

2024-12-30 / News / 2849 Sees / 0 Comments


Not many people have heard of Calm Tech Certication before, but it is based out of New York and recognizes technology that prioritizes customer well-being by reducing their stress and cognitive load. Remarkable is the first e-paper device to become certified. This is due to the device not having any distractions, such as a web browser, social media or popups.

To be awarded certification by the Calm Tech Institute, a product is evaluated against an 84-point standard based on Calm Technology principles. Examples include the product’s demands on a user’s attention, the periphery, robustness, light, sound, and material use.

reMarkable Paper Pro joins a select group of early products and is awarded certification. These products share the common trait of creating experiences that work with our attention, not against it.

reMarkable has been in the business of calm technology since the launch of our original paper tablet in 2017,” said Jon Dalvang, vice president of product design at reMarkable. “With reMarkable Paper Pro, we’re pushing boundaries in the market for better thinking tools. We’re honoured to receive this pioneering ‘Calm Tech’ certification, which inspires us to continue developing products that put human focus and deep thinking at the center.”

Launched in September 2024, reMarkable Paper Pro is a digital notebook combining the freeing simplicity of writing on paper with powerful tools for editing and sharing your work. It is also the first remarkable product with a colour E INK screen, which adds versatility.

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