This Smart e-Scooter Is Light, Compact, and Turns Into a Mini Bicycle When Needed

2023-01-31 / News / 13659 Sees / 0 Comments


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Compact, lightweight vehicles or transportation devices, like bicycles, electric scooters, Segways, and even hoverboards, are becoming increasingly popular as a way to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and provide more convenient and efficient transportation options for people living in urban areas.

But despite having this wide range of solutions at their fingertips, people are also looking for flexibility and versatility in their choice of personal urban commuter. Designers Bhavya Upadhyay and Devam Jangra have identified this need and envisioned Beam, a product that could fill in the gap left by other means of transportation.

Beam is a sleek electric kick scooter that can morph into a mini bicycle when needed. No tools or wrenches are needed for the conversion, and this ability to convert from one form factor to another in a blink of an eye is what makes it stand out from the crowd.

Besides its versatility, Beam is also foldable, fun to ride, safe, and practical. The single-person commuter is designed for various riding situations, but urban mobility is high on the list of use-case scenarios.

“The objective was to design a mobility solution that is fun and flexible, smart and conscious and meets the regular need of a person living in an urban setting. It must fit in the eco system of the user and make their monotonous travel exciting,” designer Bhavya Upadhyay says about this project. “It merges the fun of a scooter and the boldness of a bike in a single vehicle that transforms as per your mood and needs.”

Featuring a design that resembles a Dyson fan when viewed from the front, the convertible e-scooter comes with everything you need to travel in style and comfort around the city. A robust handlebar and highest-grade brakes make sure you’d enjoy a safe ride.

An e-ink screen in the middle of the handlebar displays navigation details, while two additional smaller e-ink displays will show the user real-time data like battery level, riding speed, drive mode, and headlight status. Speaking of which, the scooter-turned-bike is also equipped with a flashlight-like detachable headlight built into the fork and well-lit brake lights.

Other noteworthy features include a built-in camera that can record your ride and also serves as a Gear Guard security camera, a wireless Camp Speaker with Bluetooth connectivity hidden under the seat, and a concealed tool and first aid kit.

Since the Beam convertible e-scooter is just an idea at the moment, in rendering form, we have no details about performance or range, but the designers do mention that it would have a removable battery.

More about“einkMini Bicycle,”'s article.

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