配件厂商 Oaxis 在电子墨水屏行业已经耕耘多年了,之前已经推出过 iPhone 6 系列的外壳,这次在 InkCase i7 之后继续加码 InkCase i7 Plus 保护壳,并将其送上众筹,获得了好评。那么这款产品有啥实用的功能,让我们一起来仔细看看。
首先,InkCase 是款合格的保护壳。它采用硅胶制成,黑色的主色调(官方为了迎合年轻人需求,会在后续提供其他颜色供选择),沉稳内敛的风格。整个手机可以从侧边斜放入,这样 InkCase i7 Plus 就可以提供非常到位的保护。它的四个边角有缓冲垫,可以让你的手机在无意跌落的时候安然无恙。另外,其加入了 BubblePro 技术,为 TPE 材料,增添了独特的配方,可产生数百万个纳米气泡,有效吸收冲击,给手机提供整体保护。同时,外壳的边缘都略高于屏幕,可以保护两边的屏幕在平放的时候不受摩擦。
InkCase i7 Plus 的电子墨水屏上拥有 9H 硬度保护涂层,可以提高整个 E Ink 屏幕的耐刮性。另外,这个外壳本身是防水防尘的,即便你在夏天带去沙滩也没有什么问题。为了提升外壳的易用性,其充电采用了磁性吸附方式,很方便。整个重量是 80g,比起 Kindle 的 161g 是轻薄了许多。
InkCase i7 Plus 最大的卖点就是这个 E Ink 屏幕,其拥有超高的对比度,具备 16 个灰度级。即使是在户外强光下,也能清晰地阅读所显示的文字或者图片。其配置了 5.2 寸的屏幕,分辨率是 540 * 960,217dpi(其小弟 InkCase i7 是 4.3 寸的 480*800 分辨率,重量是 60g),使用 Carta 1.2 E Ink,它是同类中最好的能提供高对比度照片和纸样阅读体验的屏幕。 再加上 PMMA 盖板,可以达到防眩光的目的。
电子书阅读是其最大的亮点,其支持 ePub 和 TXT 格式的电子书。用户可以在手机上选择文件推送到 InkCase 中,可以达到纸书的阅读体验。同时为了满足不同人士的需求,其可以定义字体的大小和行距。
照片功能也是一大特色。这个功能允许你使用自己的图片来做后背壳的内容显示,同时允许用户进行裁剪,你甚至还可以添加滤镜,以及文字,官方均提供了模板和字体。这个功能深受那些喜欢经常换壳用户的喜欢,因为很多人买壳就是买图案,而 InkCase 则可以让你随时更换。
稍后阅读功能则可以让你随时阅读网络文章。你可以把想读的新闻、博客或者小说等都收藏和存储到 InkCase 中,随时随地在 InkCase 的背部屏幕上阅读到。另外,你还可以自定义新闻来源,转换之后,广告内容被去掉,你可以享受纯粹的文章阅读体验。
InkCase i7 Plus 总得来说是款非常实用的保护壳,如果你是个重度的电子书爱好者,那么这款产品无疑会占据你的购买清单。它的辅助阅读功能,间接上可以减少反复点亮手机的时间,增加 iPhone 的续航力。而就保护壳本身来讲,做工也很到位,整体质量上佳。价格方面,现在的 Plus 版本早鸟价是 99 美金,而 InkCase i7 的版本早前已经开卖,是 899 元人民币。
Anti-scratch screen

The 9H hardness protective coating is applied on the E Ink screen to enhance the durability of the InkCase i7 Plus. Stay focused on what's important and leave the nitty-gritty to us.

Waterproof InkCase for seasons where you can read by the beach. Or even a hot tub!

Certified with an IP67 rating means it is protected from water, dust, dirt, and sand.
Drop-proof protection for iPhone

Drop-proof casing with patented BubblePro technology
Shock absorbing case for absolute protection on your iPhone

InkCase i7 Plus is among the best protective cases in the market offering military standard drop protection. Using the latest BubblePro Technology, thousands of Micro Weave locks together to reinforce the case rigidity. Energy from an impact is absorbed by the Micro Weaves and spread across the entire outer case. Giving you a complete peace of mind.
Raised lips to prevent scratches on both screens

Smart magnetic charging port

The making of InkCase i7 Plus

We make sure to refine even the smallest detail

Dedicated support team with regular firmware and software updates

Manufacturing of InkCase i7 Plus

Display all the important information on your iPhone case

The Live Information Center combines multiple widgets to offer you a holistic view of live updates on events for the day.
Organize and sync your To-Do lists straight from your iPhone

Perfect use while at the grocery store!
Organize your daily tasks by displaying them on the back of your iPhone. InkCase i7 will automatically sync your tasks from the iPhone.
Easily sync calendar schedules from your iPhone via Bluetooth

The InkCase displays all your calendars on a single screen, showing your schedule, time and tasks. Any changes made will be automatically synced across.
Track your fitness activities on the go

InkCase i7 Plus uses data from the iPhone Health app and display it on the back of your iPhone.
Get updated on your daily fitness accomplishments

We aim to let InkCase encourage you to lead a healthier life by reinforcing your accomplishments for the day. Get better insights of yourself with the Health App integration.
Fully customizable widgets to make the InkCase unique to yourself

Switch between various beautifully designed clock interface. Save your iPhone's precious battery life as you no longer need to switch it on to see the time.
Sync news from the browser or any news app

Self-learning algorithm that automatically pushes news to you based on your reading habits.

To make things even better, we are introducing a brand new function that automatically syncs your articles based on your favorite news genre.
Removal of advertisements to eliminate distractions

Our new function scans the article and removes all advertisements before it reaching your palm.
InkCase i7 Plus vs others

The only iPhone case you'll ever need

By attaching to your iPhone, InkCase helps to declutter your daily life by minimizing the weight and the number of items you have to bring every day.
Reward tiers

$100K stretch goal - Pledges made before the $100K mark will get to choose from a range of colors to further personalize your iPhone

$250K stretch goal - Pledges made before the $250K mark will receive an additional charging cable

Reward Fulfilment
All shipments will come with a complimentary registered shipping label to ensure accountability and trackability. We will ship orders from two fulfillment centers
Hong Kong - for early birds fulfillment (August shipment)
Singapore - for general fulfillment (September shipment)
Project Timeline

Risks and challenges
Every project comes with its own unique risks and challenges but we try to do our very best to minimize them. As a business, it is our duty to produce products that our customers find useful. It is also our duty to ensure our customers receive the best service and timely delivery of your purchases. The Oaxis team has been in this business for several years now, every product innovation surpasses the previous with stronger and better designs.
The InkCase i7 Plus product that is featured above are working products that came straight from our production factory. These were the first sample batch which we used for media samples and internal testing.
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