E Ink与Plastic Logic携手合作发表全球首款柔性全彩电子纸技术
为可穿戴设备市场提供创新的柔性彩色电子纸显示方案电子纸研发与制造厂商E Ink元太科技宣布,与柔性及非玻璃的电子纸显示屏设计及制造商Plastic Logic合作发表全球首款采用E Ink先进彩色电子纸(Advanced Color ePa...
为可穿戴设备市场提供创新的柔性彩色电子纸显示方案电子纸研发与制造厂商E Ink元太科技宣布,与柔性及非玻璃的电子纸显示屏设计及制造商Plastic Logic合作发表全球首款采用E Ink先进彩色电子纸(Advanced Color ePa...
6 月 17 日消息,FlexEnable 近日宣布全球首款采用有机晶体管技术的量产消费品已开始出货。FlexEnable 与 DKE 东方科脉(负责屏幕弯曲层压)和凌巨科技(负责生产柔性 OTFT 背板)合作,实现了 Ledger Sta...
Amazon’s Kindle e-readers come in several different flavors to choose from. There’s a base model, which is sim...
The Bigme Pocketnote 7 comes across as a handy little device that is part e-re...
Alaska Airlines has grand visions for growth, targeting a 40% increase in passenger count over the next five years....
There were plenty of rumors that Kobo was planning on refreshing the Clara HD e-reader and they have done so in a big wa...
Tablets might let you tote a collection of tomes, but backlit pixels aren’t the best for bookworms. Want a portable libr...
Barnes and Noble has just done something they have never done before. They have released a variant color for the Nook Gl...
The Onyx Boox Poke 4 Lite is an e-reader that goes back to basics. It is a dedicated book reader with no note taking fun...
E Ink携手生态圈伙伴2022智能显示展盛大展出以低碳绿色的电子纸多元应用打造全方位智能城市生活E Ink元太科技将携手电子纸生态圈伙伴,于4月27日起开展的Touch Taiwan 2022智能显示展共同盛大展出, 以低碳电子纸为技术核...