Onyx is demoing some new products at this year’s CES in Las Vegas, where they’re showing off some interesting new E Ink ereaders for a change (new E Ink devices used to show up at CES but it’s been a non-event in recent years).
Onyx has a new 10.3-inch Note Pro and a 7.8-inch Nova Pro coming out in 2019, and both feature color-adjusting frontlights plus capacitive and Wacom touchscreens, a combination that Onyx previously hasn’t offered.
Lots of folks will be happy to hear that Onyx is going to finally be offering a 10.3-inch Note model with the option for a frontlight.
Aside from the frontlight, the Note Pro is basically an updated version of the Note Plus, which has a flush glass screen on the front, but the Note Pro doubles the storage space and RAM up to 64GB and 4GB respectively.
The 7.8-inch Onyx Boox Nova Pro is basically a smaller version of the Note but with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage space. It also has the color-adjusting frontlight with a capacitive screen and Wacom screen to use with a stylus.
Both new devices run Android 6.0 like Onyx’s other ereaders.
It’s good to see Onyx coming out with new models but you have to question their strategy of continuing to release like ten different versions of the same model, each with minor differences. It makes people hesitant to buy if they think it’s just going to get replaced in a few months with a newer version.
Plus Onyx still isn’t even selling the regular Nova from their Amazon storeand it was released awhile ago now, so who knows how many months it will take for these Pro models to show up.
10.3″ Boox Note Pro
7.8″ Boox Nova Pro
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