关于eink彩色电子纸/彩色电子墨水屏的技术秘密 Kaleido,Gallery,print-color,ACeP
近期,彩色电子纸技术应用至彩色电子书阅读器、彩色电子纸信息牌等终端产品,与喜爱电子纸的小伙伴们见面。彩色电子纸从技术阶段走向商用阶段,与此同时,在市场上拓展,E Ink赋予彩色电子纸技术各自的产品名称,也锁定了不同的应用领域。E Ink在2...
近期,彩色电子纸技术应用至彩色电子书阅读器、彩色电子纸信息牌等终端产品,与喜爱电子纸的小伙伴们见面。彩色电子纸从技术阶段走向商用阶段,与此同时,在市场上拓展,E Ink赋予彩色电子纸技术各自的产品名称,也锁定了不同的应用领域。E Ink在2...
Mooink is going to be releasing the first 13.3 digital paper using the latest generation E INK Kaleido 3 color e-paper t...
Modos had earlier announced it is working on an E Ink monitor which they are calling the Paper Monitor. The co...
The AINOTE Air is iFLYTEK’s most advanced tablet yet. The AINOTE Air boasts 98% speech recognition accuracy up to 400 wo...
The Onyx Boox Poke 4 Lite is an e-reader that goes back to basics. It is a dedicated book reader with no note taking fun...
The Onyx Boox Mira Pro is their first large screen E INK monitor and we finally have one in our studio to bring you a fi...
Onyx has just released a new firmware update for most of their modern e-readers and e-notes that are running Android 11....
文石BOOX Poke 2 京东预约购买地址: https://u.jd.com/BBSvJx 最近这段时间,关于电纸书的消息很频繁,从掌阅与科大讯飞相继发布彩色电纸书开始,文石发...
首先科普一下什么是Print-Color技术 在黑白胶囊墨水膜上使用喷印技术喷涂RGB三原色, 辅助前光专利技术,使显示效果更佳. ...