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马上就要到年底双十一大促了,各大厂商都将年底重头戏摆上了桌面。最近在电纸书市场上,墨案的表现应该是非常抢眼的,此前连续推出了两款性价比非常高的彩屏电纸书Pantone 6以及Pantone 7,凭借这两款人气和好评度非常不错的产品,墨案在彩...
全球电子纸领导厂商E Ink元太科技今宣布推出E Ink Kaleido™ 3 Outdoor彩色印刷电子纸技术。它是专为户外数字广告牌(Digital Out-of-Home, DOOH)应用所设计的彩色电子纸,适用于户外较大的温度范围,...
The Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch is priced at Rs. 18,495 onwards in IndiaHIGHLIGHTSThe Fossil Machine Gen 6 Hy...
Tablets might let you tote a collection of tomes, but backlit pixels aren’t the best for bookworms. Want a portable libr...
墨案 MIX7七夕活动价:¥1599 ¥1469 购买渠道 和我们一起本篇文章来源于微信公众号: &nbs...
Bulgaria’s leading electrical retailer, TECHNOPOLIS, has rolled out an ESL (Electronic Shelf Label) solution f...
Barnes and Noble has just done something they have never done before. They have released a variant color for the Nook Gl...
A minimalist phone designed to enhance the user’s well-being.Warsaw-based Mudita is a new kind of tech company that aims...
The Onyx Boox Poke 4 Lite is an e-reader that goes back to basics. It is a dedicated book reader with no note taking fun...
The Onyx Boox Mira Pro is their first large screen E INK monitor and we finally have one in our studio to bring you a fi...